Officially the most depressing day of the year, the third Monday of January so called “Blue Monday” has come again. Although there is no evidence that Blue Monday is real, we know how hard is to get back on track after the Christmas break.
Here are some tips to help you boost mood and energy!
READ MORE: Top Vegan Products to Beat Dry Winter Blues
Vitamin D
By January you might feel tired and lack of energy. Vitamin D plays an important role in nervous health and depression, as well as facilitating normal immune system function. Studies have suggested that the symptoms of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) could be due to changing levels of vitamin D3, therefore affecting serotonin levels in the brain.

Exercise can have an enormous impact on your mood. It helps with depression by increasing your energy levels, boosting your self-esteem and confidence. It also gives you a great sense of accomplishment as well as distracts you from every day worries. On top of that, exercise increases your level of endorphins, a natural mood lifter.
Omega 3
Omega 3 are naturally found in seafood, walnuts, leafy greens, and oily fish (such as anchovies, sardines, mackerel, herring and Atlantic salmon). Studies suggest that there is an association between omega-3 consumption and mood disorders, where the lack of omega-3 in diets is one of the common findings in those with existing mood disorders. It is therefore very important to enrich our diets with oily fish (2 portions of oily fish per week), and for no-fish lovers, you may wish to opt for an omega-3 supplement which can help ward off the negativity.
Prioritise Sleep
Mood and sleep are interconnected. Getting enough sleep as well as the right type of sleep is vital to support healthy brain function. Think about how one bad night can affect our mood: very often the next day you will feel lethargic, lacking focus, concentration and energy. Sleep deprivation also make us feel irritable, anxious and stressed.