LYMA Laser: The Game-Changing Skincare Device

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The LYMA Laser is the first time a clinic-grade laser treatment is available for people to use in their own homes, on their own schedules. The LYMA Laser is the only at home laser that is able to reach the cells in the deepest layers of the skin, fat and muscle
tissue. Once there, the light energy is able to increase renewal,
encouraging growth and repair.
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The result is a product some of the world’s best facialists, make-up artists and cosmetic surgeons have hailed as revolutionary. The LYMA Laser does something no other beauty device is able to do: its harmless, cold laser light penetrates through every layer of your skin to flip a genetic switch in the body’s cellular batteries, known as fibroblasts. This trigger rejuvenates the cells, rather than letting them switch off as we age.
Most methods of in-clinic laser skin rejuvenation work by a controlled thermal injury. Ablative lasers remove the top layer of skin, while non-ablative lasers work by inflicting thermal damage to tissue to stimulate collagen production.
This approach to skin renewal is known as the stress/damage response, which can leave the skin feeling sensitive and often involves a period of downtime. This is why this method of laser therapy is best reserved for controlled, clinical environments where the treatments can be carried out safely.
The LYMA Laser, however, works completely differently. It’s a technology born from the medical industry called low level laser therapy (LLLT), which has been used for decades to treat a host of medical issues as diverse as rebuilding cartilage and healing tendons. Our scientists first saw the potential of this technology for skin renewal when
they visited a clinic where it was being used to treat damaged knee tissue.
LYMA’s Medical Director, Dr. Paul Clayton, was amazed to see the skin on the treated knee looked about 20 years younger than the skin on the other. After our founder Lucy Goff tried the laser herself and saw the same results, we began the process of engineering a cosmetic laser device that condensed this technology into a small, portable beauty tool, without comprising power.
LYMA’s diffused, cold near-infrared laser technology is able to completely remodel the skin, without causing any damage to a single cell in the process. Effectively treating an array of skin issues from wrinkles to elasticity, sun induced pigmentation, rosacea, cellulite and scarring. Thanks to this revolutionary technology, the LYMA Laser is effective across more conditions than anything else, and safe to use regardless of your skin tone, type or condition.
There have been hundreds if not thousands of published medical papers written since the 1960s on the effects of the technology behind the LYMA Laser. The science is well established, however up until now an effective device hasn’t been available to achieve these results in the home environment.
For conditions such as skin regeneration, pigmentation, acne, wound healing and body contouring almost all the plausible peer-reviewed evidence uses the technology behind LYMA as the light source.
The LYMA Laser delivers medical-grade technology, supported by three peer-reviewed medical papers published in Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2021. Anecdotally, a recent clinical trial in Europe using the LYMA Laser demonstrated a reduction in
rosacea by 42% and wrinkle depth by 53.8% in just five weeks.
When our customers report back on their results, there’s one common thread: they consistently used LYMA’s Oxygen Mist & Glide each time they used the Laser. We formulated this skincare with cosmeceutical active ingredients, specifically engineered to optimise the Laser technology.
When using the Laser, you start with around six sprays of the Oxygen Mist, which contains the highest percentage of oxygen scientifically possible in water. The skin is unable to absorb oxygen when presented in the form of water (H20), which is why we formulate with highly absorbable Active Stabilised Oxygen (ASO). The Active Mist also
contains Orchistem(TM) which helps the fibroblasts - the battery cells in your skin - to communicate more efficiently, boosting the effects of the LYMA Laser.
Next, apply two pumps of the LYMA Oxygen Glide. This hydrating and immune boosting serum contains three actives. Wellmune® Blend is a patented form of beta glucans that acts like a vacuum in your skin, clearing debris and priming it for the Laser. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the Oxygen Glide also includes a second dose of ASO which is delivered to the base layers of the skin and Orchistem(R) stem cell technology.
The LYMA technology is the most effective at-home scar removal solution in a generation. Our customers have reported incredible success using their Lasers to expel scar tissue. One customer noticed a “significant change” to a heart surgery scar within a month, and another saw results on scars of her own in just four weeks. One man, who suffered acne scarring since he was a teenager, has seen his acne scars all but vanish since using the Laser. After three months he saw visible results “and every day I feel like it’s making more of a difference.”
Laser treatment for cellulite, using low level laser therapy, can have a profound cosmetic effect. Not only can Laser treatment permanently reduce or remove cellulite, smoothing and tightening the skin, it can also sculpt and contour the target area.
"Cellulite is fat, but actually the dimple pattern you see on the skin is caused by fibrous strands that anchor the dermis to the underlying tissues," explains leading craniofacial and plastic surgeon Dr Graeme Glass. This is important in some areas of the body, such as the buttocks, because it stops the skin sliding over the underlying fat. “Cellulite comes about because all this fat is packed into spaces that aren’t able to expand, because the fat pockets are tethered down by the fibrous strands." The LYMA Laser can even out these areas of fat cells, reducing the deposits and therefore reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Dr Glass explains there are still a few theories as to how LYMA’s Laser technology does this, but the evidence points towards diffused red and infrared lasers causing fat cells to release their fat content, making that fat easier to remove.
"This evidence has been extrapolated from liposuction studies, where laser is used as a preparatory device for the liposuction surgery," Dr Glass explains. In a study where
laser was applied to 'subcutaneous fat deposits' (aka cellulite) prior to liposuction, "the ability to perform liposuction was made easier," and the results much better. Additionally, several studies have observed focal reductions in fat deposits when the overlying skin was exposed to red and infrared laser.
This study also found that 100% of female subjects saw an effective reduction in subcutaneous fat deposits like cellulite (the study focuses on the abdomen) following laser treatment.
The Oxygen Mist & Glide are incredible products that we recommend as the backbone of your daily skincare regime, to use after cleansing and before applying serums and moisturisers every morning and evening. The actives in the products are specifically formulated to optimise the near infrared laser light and if used daily will enhance results by up to 30%.
Absolutely. The LYMA Laser is a first for inclusive beauty. Other cosmetic lasers distress the skin to stimulate collagen production, and therefore are not recommended for use on darker skin tones that can scar more easily.
However, the LYMA Laser’s cold laser technology is able to regenerate skin with zero damage, making it the first cosmetic Laser suitable for use on all skin types and tones. We are the first cosmetic Laser that can be used around the delicate eye area without any need for safety goggles. LYMA’s ultra-diffused laser technology poses no harm to the retina.
Everyone assumes all light devices do the same thing, which isn’t the case. The LYMA Laser is 100 times more powerful than at home LED devices, but the two technologies can’t really be compared. LED and the Laser are two completely different light sources,
which work in two entirely different ways, and achieve entirely different results.
LED devices are vastly inferior to the LYMA Laser. They’re great to give you a glow,
but LED is unable to remodel skin. This is because, in order for near infrared light to regenerate skin, the light has to be able to reach the base layers of the skin where the fibroblasts are found. As LED is a non-coherent light source, a wavy light that runs in all different directions, it can’t penetrate through a dense surface like the skin. Instead, LED light simply bounces off the surface, which is why you get such a dramatic plume of light emitting from an LED mask.
In contrast, the LYMA Laser is the first of a new breed of clinic-grade light devices that deliver safe near infrared laser light for home use. It’s the only cosmetic light device able to deliver powerful, coherent laser light, which can penetrate through all layers of the skin, plus the fat and muscle tissue beneath, without losing power or damaging any cells.
The LYMA Laser’s ultra-diffused lenses induce a phenomenon called ‘laser speckle’, which is unique to low level laser therapy. This causes cells to express genes involved in tissue repair and regeneration while switching off genes involved in tissue ageing and degeneration. The LYMA Laser also induces ananti-inflammatory state which is also beneficial for skin ageing in the long term.
The more consistently and thoroughly you use the LYMA Laser, the better the results will be. We recommend daily use for a minimum of 30 minutes a day for the first 12
weeks. Using the Laser couldn’t be easier, and it’s perfect to use whilst you’re catching up on your favourite Netflix series. The more time you can give, the better results you will see.
The results are superior to all other at home cosmetic devices, delivering profound changes to skin issues. Wrinkles will appear shallower, skin will tighten, raised scars will fade and even the redness brought about by rosacea will be tamed. Everything from thread veins to pigmentation, cellulite to acne, can be fixed if the LYMA Laser is applied consistently and correctly.