Protect your Skin from Sun Exposure
As the temperatures begin to rise and we spend more time outside, it's important to be aware of the damaging effects of the sun on our skin. That's why May...
Q&A with Margret Pinto, Founder & CEO of EVY Technology
EVY means life – an appropriate name for a range developed to help people enjoy life, untroubled by environmental stresses. I'm passionate about helping people who suffer from skin conditions...
The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen Daily
The majority of us understand the importance of wearing sunscreen during summer, but not everyone knows that wearing a broad-spectrum sun protection is a year-round necessity. Even during the winter...
How to choose the Best Sunscreen for your Skin Type
By M. Borriero Sunscreen How does SPF work? Mineral SPF vs Chemical SPF Sunscreen for dry skin Sunscreen for oily skin Sunscreen for sensitive skin Sunscreen for acne prone skin...